
Citizen Review Process

Community Volunteers decide where the dollars go

The United Way guarantees that donated funds are used wisely to serve people who need help the most.

The Greater Longview United Way Citizen Review Process is embodied in the work of the Allocations and Admissions Committee, a group of 40 business and community leaders who volunteer their time to learn about our community's most pressing needs and to determine how our community's dollars invested through the United Way can best be used.

Every spring, each agency requesting funding provides the Greater Longview United Way an extensive set of documents that illustrate its financial and programmatic activities for the past year, as well as projections for the coming year. The agencies participate in site visits on a three-year rotation, with seven agencies visited every year by a subcommittee of the Allocations and Admissions Committee. The Allocations and Admissions Committee studies the information for all agencies, then convenes for a series of meetings during which all agencies appear to discuss their information and answer questions from the committee. Following this process, the committee members make allocation recommendations to the GLUW Board of Directors.

The funds allocated during this process are raised during the fall campaign and disbursed during the following year.

The allocations process requires tough choices. No matter how successful the fund-raising campaign, there will never be enough resources to meet all requests of member agencies. What programs are most crucial? Most effective? Which people need help the most? COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS make these difficult decisions because they care about our community. The Citizen Review Process is the link between community dollars and community needs.

Where the Dollars Go

Nineteen Longview nonprofit organizations that are members of the Greater Longview United Way will receive $849,500 in funding during 2005 if the upcoming fundraising campaign reaches its goal.

The agencies and the amounts allocated for 2005 are:

American Red Cross$102,500
ARC of Gregg County$25,250
Because I Care$8,875
Boy Scouts, East Texas Area Council$43,000
Boys & Girls Club of Gregg County$34,250
Camp Fire USA - Kids Care$66,625
East Texas Child Advocates$18,125
East Texas Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse$74,250
East Texas Literacy Council$23,250
Girl Scouts of Tejas Council$19,000
Longview Boys Baseball Association$8,225
Longview Child Development Center$103,000
Longview Community Ministries$43,500
Longview Girls Softball Association$8,225
Longview Habitat for Humanity$24,875
Parenting Resource Center of East Texas$17,625
Salvation Army$130,000
Windridge Therapeutic Equestrian Center$21,875
Women's Center of East Texas$77,050

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