Board of Directors

Jerry Adair Good Shepherd Medical Center
Paul Blakely
Longview Habitat for Humanity
Ricky Bryant
Longview News-Journal
Casey Cammack
AXA Advisors, LLC
Suzanne Cook
Suzanne Cook & Company
Sharon Copeland
Spring Hill State Bank
David Crowson
Arthur Culver
Longview ISD
Gene Dworsky
Bill Etheredge
Cindy Graham
Longview Community Ministries
Kevin Hill
Neiman Marcus
Linda Hill
Huntsman Corp.
Joe Dan Lee
Pine Tree ISD
Pete Litterski
Longview News-Journal
Lester Lucy
Bank One
Jack McElroy
LeTourneau, Inc.
Sherry Moore
Southside Bank
Skip Morton
Century 21 Classic
Terry Owens
City of Longview
Susie Paul
Longview Bank & Trust
Oscar Polk
Texas Eastman
Rogers Pope, Jr.
Longview Bank & Trust
Joe Ramirez
Earl Roberts
City of Longview
Vicki Romero
Longview Regional Medical Center
Brenda Sitton
Alcatel, U.S.A.
Mickey Smith
Gregg County
G.P. (Trey) Smith
G. P. Smith, Inc.
John Stroud
Longview Economic Development Corp.
Ray Stroud
Texas Eastman
Randall Swift
Capacity of Texas
Steve Voelzke

Executive Committee

Linda Butter
First Vice-President
Keith Honey
Second Vice-President & Campaign Chairman
Rogers Pope, Jr.
Susan LaBay
Dave Spurrier
Campaign Co-chair
Susie Paul
Campaign Co-chair
Ray Stroud
Allocations & Admissions Co-chair
Terry Owens
Allocations & Admissions Co-chair
Ricky Bryant
Gene Dworsky
Kevin Hill
Linda Hill
Immediate Past President
John Gilchrist