I.  About Us

We are three college students who enjoy making web sites. We feel energized by the unique challenges presented by every site we get the chance to build. We love the process.

We want to do things differently. We want to make web sites like no one else makes. We want to do things that have never been done before.

We never stop exploring possibilities and learning new things.

Contact Information
(903) 663 4491 telephone / (903) 663 4591 facsimile
122 Oak Isle Drive
Longview, TX 75605

II.  The Way We Work

  1. Initial meeting. At this point we do our best to get to know you and your business, so that we can try to help you figure out exactly where a web site would help you out. If we feel that you wouldn't gain anything from a web presence, we will let you know.

  2. Based on the initial meeting, we create a timeline that maps out the stages of development that are required to produce your web site. We estimate how long we expect each stage to take, and how much we charge for each stage. We then return this timeline to you, for you to review.

  3. Once we agree on a timeline, we present you with a consulting agreement to sign. We offer two methods of payment at the moment, and at this point you will pick which method you would prefer to use to pay us. Once the initial payment has been made, we start the development of your site.

  4. Once the development has started, we follow the timeline. Generally, we present you with an initial design that we feel meets the goals you've set for your site. You are welcome to make suggestions for improvements, or to request a new design. Once a design is chosen, we begin to code the site. We will give you a web address where you can check our progress on the site, and make sure that you are comfortable with it. Once the site is completely finished and thoroughly tested, we present it to you on your choice of mediums: floppy disk, CD, or Zip disk. Or, we can upload it straight to your server.

  5. In the months that follow, we check with you to make sure that everything is running smoothly, and to see if there are any changes that need to be made. We want you to be completely satisfied.

III.  Our Skills

We know the languages of the web like the backs of our collective hands. We can produce anything that you can imagine, from simple, straightforward HTML sites to interactive and animated dynamic HTML sites to database driven, catalog-type sites.

We know the quirks of all of the major web browsers, so we are capable of producing high quality web sites that will appear the same in all of them, despite their numerous and glaring differences.

Programming languages we speak like natives:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), XHTML (the next generation of HTML), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Javascript/ECMAscript, PHP, Perl, SQL (for MySQL), XML, XSL/XSLT, and *nix Shell Scripting.
Software that is like butter in our capable hands:
Photoshop, Illustrator, Homesite, and Flash.
We write all of our own code by hand, instead of using a "WYSIWYG" HTML editor. It gives us much more control over the final product and freedom to do exactly what we want.

IV.  Current Projects

The Greater Longview United Way / gluw.org (in progress)
Project Goals
  1. Redesign the existing web site, which falls apart in most web browsers, and hasn't been updated since 1999.
  2. Make the new site relatively simple and straightforward, but elegant.
  3. Make the new site work in all web browsers (which the current site fails to do).
  4. Provide an extremely easy way for staff members to update the site with news and events.
The site is one of the first to use our own HTpost technology, a PHP-based application that allows someone to log into the web site and update its content by simply filling out a form.

LifeCare Home Nursing, Inc. / LifeCareHN.com
Project Goals
  1. Create a brand-new web site for LifeCare Home Nursing, a hospice care company.
  2. Make the site appeal to a specific audience: those who need hospice care for themselves or a loved one.
  3. Make the new site work in all web browsers.
LifeCareHN.com is being produced as a joint effort between the HTDC and Seth Nobles of TechMark.

V.  Our Clients

VI.  Colophon & Archives

You should be commended if you've read this far. There was a lot of information to digest before you got to this point, and we appreciate your taking the time to read it (if you did read it, that is).

This web site was written in a piece of software called Allaire Homesite. The Typeface used for the logo is Helvetica Bold. The photograph is of Will McCutchen's eyes and nose, pretty much.

This web site was written using completely valid Strict XHTML (check it) and CSS 2 (check it). If you're using an outdated browser (anything that is not version 5 or 6), this web site is probably exceedingly ugly (but readable nontheless).

Version 1 - "Colored Stripes" [unfinished]
Version 2 - "Dark Gray Stripes" [unfinished]
Version 3 - "White Boxes" [unfinished]
Version 4 - "Gray Animated"
Version 5 - "Centered Box" [unfinished]
Version 6 - "Hugely Complicated dHTML"