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This is the official website of Liquid Solid Design, a small weband graphic design firm located in Longview, TX. You have only reached this page because you are among the dedicated few who use Internet Explorer 4.0+ as your web browser.

This page uses one of four color schemes. You can see the other schemes by hitting the "back" button on your browser.

Our site utilizes a technology called Dynamic HTML extensively. We have used dynamic HMTL on our site to demonstrate our grasp of newer web technologies, as well as our creativity, by having all of the information on the site load in the background, so that when you pick a section of our site, to the right, you do not have to wait for another page to load. One drawback of this is that we need to ask you to wait to pick another section of the site until all of the images are loaded. You can check the status of that by looking in the black box at the top of these paragraphs.

Liquid Solid Design is:
  cutting edge technology, like, or including, Dynamic Html, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, and Flash multimedia productions;
a smooth and aesthetically pleasing blend of artistic talent, second-to-none coding, and skilled design and layout;

Liquid Solid Design is not  afraid to use the newest methods and technology available to create the best quality sites possible. We will gladly create you two different versions of a site... one with the latest in Dynamic HTML, a new way to make lively, non-static sites, and the other with less exciting elements, for those who do not have the latest browser technology.

Liquid Solid Design is:
Will McCutchen,
a young adult male with high hopes and big dreams. "I'd really like to find a way to bring about world peace through the internet and web media." He is an artist and a designer first and formost, but with a secret, well-hidden passion for coding. Will is a big fan of monochromatic color schemes and non-anti-aliased text;

Jacob Bailey,
another whitebread middle-class clean-cut American hero-child, who has clerical aspirations. "I am sick and tired of homogenized web-sites. I am here to bring about an internet revolution!" He is an artist, like young William, but says his true passion is writing and recording original music.

Their partnership  is the result of years of struggle, on the parts of both of them, against mainstream ideas about design, be it print-, television-, or web-oriented. Liquid Solid Design is poised to usher in a new era in both art and technology.


The font we used in the creation of our logo and the various section headers is called Connection. The font used for the body text is called Arial, and, for the most part, it was used in a size of 09 pt.

The three colors used in this site, in hexadecimal notation, other than #000000{black} and #ffffff{white} are: #ffcc33{yellow [background color]}; #cc6633{almost brown}; #ff9900{middle color}.

The programs we used in the creation of this site include, but are not limited to:    Allaire Homesite 4.0; Macromedia Fireworks 2; Jasc Paint Shop Pro 5.0.



Web Site Design

Graphic Design